Tell me...but say it in cookies

This is a year to feast.

To taste the cookies, to pass the butter and enjoy the sourdough. To incorporate the concepts of sitting in the place set for me and fully engaging in the moments given to me to homeschool my children. To let the goodness and deliciousness penetrate the average Tuesday morning and transform it (me) into something useful for God. But, how? What does that look like?

One way we’re conceptualizing feasting around here is using sugar cookies as a sort of language. I’m passionate about baking and have been wanting to practice more using royal icing. I’ve been asking the boys to condense what they’re learning in different subjects into a still image. A 3x3 square, more than one if need be. Just finished that book? Tell me about it; how can you tell me the story of this book in a few frames? Advanced Engineering coding assignment? Same. Tell me, but say it in an image. This has been challenging and fun. I’m asking them to critically analyze and synthesize the information they’re taking in and explain it in a way that is understandable in only a few images. Once their images are set, I try to replicate it in a sugar cookie. Creativity abounds + it is delicious!